Industrial safety

Production activities of the Industrial safety department of the Fergana Oil Refinery LLC are aimed at ensuring safe working conditions for employees, health protection of personnel and community, as well as preserving a favorable environment by implementing the best technologies.
The Industrial safety department fully complies with the requirements of the national legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of health, safety and environment (HSE), annually improving the key performance indicators in this area.
The HSE policy is implemented in all aspects of Fergana Oil Refinery LLC activities and is aimed at improving the existing industrial and environmental safety management system, owing also to the development of a safe behavior culture.
The HSE policy is implemented in all aspects of Fergana Oil Refinery LLC activities and is aimed at improving the existing industrial and environmental safety management system, owing also to the development of a safe behavior culture.
The HSE management system is certified to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 international standards, as confirmed by the international audit results.
Labor safety
In the course of its production activities, the Fergana Oil Refinery LLC gives priority to ensuring the labor safety of its employees, reducing the number of accidents and injuries, and creating worthy labor conditions, prioritizing these issues over any other organizational and technical tasks.
Conformity assessment
The management system performance is assessed based on the results of monitoring, including audits, in-process control, corporate supervision, as well as during labor safety and environmental review contests.
Contractor management
Safe activities of contractors is one of the key factors affecting the results of the enterprise's HSE activities.
Employees of the Fergana Oil Refinery LLC and contractors must comply with uniform HSE standards and policies.
In order to ensure successful joint work, the Fergana Oil Refinery LLC holds regular meetings with representatives of major contractors to discuss key projects and pressing health and safety tasks and jointly find solutions to the most acute problems.
The Fergana Oil Refinery LLC actively assesses the ability of contractors to safely render production services prior to entering into contractual obligations.
The Fergana Oil Refinery LLC works jointly with contractors to ensure that HSE requirements are clear and coordinated; participates in joint HSE risk assessment by contractors and takes appropriate measures to eliminate and/or mitigate such risks in the course of activities within the agreed time frame.